Certificación CELTA en México

Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults

  • El curso CELTA de la Universidad de Cambridge es una de las certificaciones TESOL más reconocidas a nivel mundial.
  • El curso CELTA te brinda las habilidades necesarias para impartir clases de Inglés en cualquier parte del mundo.
  • Al haber concluido el curso CELTA de la Universidad de Cambridge, contarás con las habilidades necesarias que pondrán a tu alcance diversas oportunidades laborales.
  • Más de 10,000 personas toman la certificación CELTA cada año.
  • La certificación CELTA está acreditada por la Universidad de Cambridge.

Obtén la certificación CELTA y trabaja dando clases en la parte del mundo que más te atraiga.

Cursos de Certificación Celta

Certificación CELTA · Certificación TEFL

CELTA Ciudad de México


Laura Maffei

Taking the CELTA course was an awesome experience.

It provided me with solid foundations to teach English in an effective way, so that I could build on them day by day.

Whether you are already a teacher or not, I highly recommend taking the CELTA as it will boost immensely the quality of your lessons, give you the confidence you need, and it is highly regarded by employers internationally.

CELTA tutors are very experienced teachers who are able to deliver what students need with impressive clarity and…fun !

Laura Maffei – Italy

Laura MaffeiTeacher & Student
Carmen Kossagk

“Over a year later, after several months of teaching English to sweet little 3rd and 5th graders in an elementary school on Cozumel and teaching university students from mainly Arab and Asian countries in Malaysia, the sails have indeed led me to the ocean! I am currently working as Training Manager on a renowned cruise ship where I support the entire crew in further developing their personal and professional skills, e.g. improving their English and German language skills and moreover in leadership and soft skills. CELTA has been my ticket to travel the world and live my dreams!”  

Carmen Kossagk from Germany

Carmen KossagkCruise Ship Training Manager
Evgeny Fogel

The CELTA program is certified by Cambridge University, one of the most famous universities in the world. It is also one of the best universities in the world, so no wonder they maintain high standards. The CELTA course provides an actual group of adult English students as trainees to practice on. These teaching practices are interspersed throughout the 4 week course.

Two months before the CELTA course I volunteered as an English teacher for one hour in Nicaragua. Two weeks after completing the course I volunteered again as an English teacher for 4 hours in Guatemala. Before the CELTA I felt like I had no idea what to teach, how to teach, and what should I do with my students during the lesson…. I felt my one-hour lesson was a mess. After the CELTA course I felt that I knew what I needed to plan, how to structure the lesson, felt in control and confident standing in front of the class, and most importantly felt that the students actually practiced speaking English and had useful lessons. I could clearly compare myself before and after the CELTA course. I believe it was completely worth the time, money and effort. In terms of skills, confidence, and job prospects, the course provided me with all the tools necessary in order to embark on a career of teaching English as a foreign language.

Evgeny Fogel (England)

Evgeny FogelEnglish Teacher
Miguel A Lopez

I took CELTA course 5 years ago. When I started the course I didn’t know how much work would be involved. I found it a bit challenging, yet a richly rewarding experience. It provided me with many useful methods and strategies which I still use in my current practice as an English teacher. The tutors/trainers always led the feedback sessions in an objective and professional way, giving me absolute confidence which I needed to start this wonderful chosen career. I also had great peers who were very supportive and encouraging at all time. We shared memorable moments together during CELTA.

I hadn’t realized how many employers look for candidates having this qualification. Currently, I work as an English teacher in Japan and I can say that almost all schools here look for teachers who have this certificate.

CELTA has brand recognition and is often a requirement for many places in the world. Consider it for either starting your ESL career or enhancing it.

Lic. Miguel A Lopez, Mexico

Miguel A LopezEnglish Teacher in Japan

Certificación TEFL · TESOL · Curso TESL